Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sonogram and due date!! first sonogram photo!! I went in on Thursday for my monthly OB visit, very much looking forward to this next sonogram. Mini Who is VERY active!! Dr. P(not my regular dr) had a difficult time getting measurements! :)
Mini Who measures just about 4 cm from head to rump.
I measured at 10 weeks 4 days on Thursday and my official due date is September 21st! Just 4 days after Sean's birthday!

I think the sex of Mini Who can be found out around week 20. I don't want to be surprised...never have. Since I have two very different decorating ideas this time, plus people who have many things gender specific to pass on to me, I need to know. It will makes things go so much smoother.

Sean was not able to go with my to this appointment due to taking over as boss for the week, so my best friend and neighbor, Pam, HAPPILY went with me. I almost think she was more excited than I!! She cannot have any more biological children(she has 3), so she told me she's going to live vicariously through this pregnancy!! LOL!! I, of course, don't mind at all!

Dr P prescribed me anti-nausea meds...thank goodness!! I have to take one every 8 just dissolves on my tongue. They are really working! Yesterday I was able to eat cereal with milk(dairy has not been agreeing with me) and a good-sized salad for lunch!!! I'm actually looking forward to making dinner tonight without gagging the entire time! The only side effects I'm noticing are a slight headache which I'm trying to counter with more water intake and a slight extra tiredness.

Stop back again soon...I plan to post a new belly pic!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

More Nursery Demolition!!

The third or fourth bin full of old plaster...this stuff is SO heavy!

Lots of lathe to be burned!

All of this lathe has to come down! There is blown-in insulation behind it...most has settled...that's why this room is so cold!

That used to be the girl's closet on the other side of that open wall. I had the idea to use this space to add a little extra square footage to the nursery. We'll have to build a new, smaller closet inside the girl's room on the other side of the white wall.

I'm so very excited about this...I can just picture it all finished!! And I look forward to when I can share those photos with you!

Monday, February 23, 2009

1st trimester almost over....

Within a week or two, my first trimester is coming to a close, and hopefully so will the nausea. Mornings have been's the afternoons and evenings that are the worst. I actually got sick 4 days in a row last exhausting and not daring to eat anything for fear or getting sick again!

Yesterday was a pretty good day and I'm thankful for that. I had only slight nausea and around 9PM, I discovered that eating a few handfuls of Kix cereal with no milk comforted my stomach!!

Thursday at 10AM is my next OB appt with sonogram, so I will be asking my Dr about nausea meds. We'll see what comes of that.

I may be posting again later with more demo pics of the nursery...depends on how I feel though!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mood Swings Anyone???

These last few days have been rough...the nausea is consuming me and it's been very hard to put a smile on my face and keep it there. I am also watching Pam's neices this week for the most part as her and her family are very ill with whatever NASTY bug is going around! The girls are very good when they are here, but with the nausea and my mood swings, my patience is unfortunately very thin(mostly when Caitlin and Sara argue) and I have to really catch myself.

On top of this, our cat Gracie unexpectedly had kittens on Sunday! We thought she was just eating too much and not getting enough exercise! Hah! I wasn't home when Gracie delivered the first one...which ended up dying...Sean had no idea what to do and was totally grossed out. I rushed home with my nephew, Rocco(I was watching him), and got Gracie settled in the cellar until she stopped bleeding, the kitten taken care of and everyone calmed down!

About 3 hours later, as I was sitting in the rocker watching TV with Gracie on my lap, I felt her belly get hard....and OH...she started to push!! She wasn't done delivering, so I took her in the kitchen on a towel and helped her with the next kitten. I had to take the sac off and cut the cord because Gracie was clueless, again. Me playing vet again...this happens a lot! This kitten is a very light orange/tan tiger...and so cute! It may be darker once the kitten fuzz is replaced.

Being pregnant and seeing a precious little kitten dead is really hard, especially when I'm pregnant. Last night I was mad at Sean for not trying to save the first kitten, but then totally understood his aversion to blood, etc...he just couldn't do it. So I'm not mad anymore. I think something may have been wrong with that one anyway...something about it's front leg wasn't right.

So to anyone who prays, please pray for this nausea to subside soon. It's really wearing me down.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Curl up in a ball.....

That's what I feel like doing most days now. My nausea has been so bad the past week and a half, that I just want to curl up in a ball under warm blankets and sleep the day away...sometimes I just want to cry. I've only actually gotten sick once...and that was from brushing my teeth. sigh.

I'm doing okay today so far...but it's only 9:30 AM. I had a couple waffles with peanut butter for breakfast and that seems to be helping. I'm thinking I'm lacking in protein, but when EVERYTHING makes me gag, it's really hard to make anything for myself. I feel even worse that I can barely make anything for the kids or Sean. Even looking in the refrigerator was making me gag yesterday...I think it was the thought of certain things in there.

It was so bad yesterday, that I asked my best friend, Pam to pick up a McD's bacon ranch salad with crispy chicken and ranch dressing. It was the only thing that sounded good and I needed the protein from the chicken plus the fresh greens. It really did help tremendously...