Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Girl's Room Photos!

The new Pergo flooring...found at Ollie's Outlet for $37.99 a case. This color was discontinued...a savings of over $20 a box!

The back corner of the girl's room...Sean did a great job on those drywall seams! He wouldn't say so though!! The ceiling is white, the walls are a very light butter yellow and the doors are beige gray.

The new closets...a small linen closet where the bookshelf used to be and the girl's closet, where wasted space used to be. The closet is not done yet though...the small window that's in there has to be taken out, but from the outside..and the kitchen porch roof is quite steep! Sean is NOT looking forward to that project!

The bathroom door with trim. Trim has to be painted white, then it's time to move the girls in!

The back corner again with the new window. This one is taller and slightly wider than the original window. We don't have to bend over to look out the window anymore!! :)

33 week Appointment!

How can it be that I'm at 33 weeks already??? This pregnancy has FLOWN by, maybe because the last trimester is during the summer, instead of winter like with my other 3?
I just know that Kendall could arrive in a month safely...but if she follows suit with her siblings, she'll be born 10 days after her due date, which is September 21st!!! I'm praying not...only because I remember all too well how terribly uncomfortable I was carrying Caitlin those last two weeks.

OB appointments are down to every 2 weeks now...yesterday was 33 weeks. My children all had to come with me to the appointment...that's always fun...so impatient they are! :) They did get to hear Kendall's heartbeat again though and watch her move around while I was laying on the table. My doctor is so good with the kids too...yet another reason I've stayed with him and his practice for all 4 pregnancies!

The heartburn is hitting hard now with the top of my uterus being so high. Tums have been my friend, mostly in the evenings. I'm also VERY short on breath most of the time, unless Kendall happens to be laying low, which is NOT often.

Today I'm sending in the hospital registration forms...it won't be long before Sean and I are headed there. We'll be delivering at Crouse in Syracuse. It's about a 30 minute drive from home...and I'm so very thankful that I'm not having another winter baby. Winters here in this part of CNY are very unpredictable. The winter before we moved here, one snowstorm dropped 5 FEET OF SNOW!!! Praying that doesn't happen again!

My next appointment is on the 17th in the afternoon. I'll post more that day!