Friday, February 26, 2010

My beautiful children...

Caitlin at Christmas....this girl is a spitfire! So very stubborn, but she can also be very sweet and thoughtful.

Brendan, with his 9th birthday cake I made for him. He's getting so tall...he'll be just like Sean.

Cara and Kendall, just chillin'. Cara is very helpful with Kendall. They like to play together in the crib!

My internet is back...and so am I!

So, our internet is back on...and I am beyond thrilled! I missed being able to post photos and updates for everyone! I have some catching up to do, so please bear with me.... The photos posted today are mostly from the last month or so. I still have to go through MANY photos of Kendall and the kids, their birthdays and Christmas.

Sound asleep. Kendall sleeps very well most of the time. She started sleeping in her crib at night and for at least one nap of the day. She was sleeping with us, but Sean informed me that it was time for her to sleep in the crib...he just wasn't getting a good night's sleep with us crammed in there! I think Kendall was the only one who was getting a good night's sleep! A queen bed is not optimal for 3!

Laying in her crib after a bath...making noise, which she loves to do!

Me and Kendall...I love this little girl. She has quite the personality!

Always very curious about everything now.

Chilly after a that hair! We do lots of giggling after bath time....

For Christmas...and, please help remind me...I STILL need to mail some of these out!!

Kendall at 2 1/2 months. I love this photo!